Tuesday 25 September 2018

GP - take two

Take two did not go a lot better than take one. The GP was insistent that:
*He cannot refer without a school report
*The fact she masks at school would not stop the school noticing it
*That if it's not something that shows at school then it's a home problem
*That there was nothing he could do for me.

I pressed and pressed and got a mental health referral that I am not sure is the right thing and has a long waiting list.

I went to the school and asked for a report. Her class teacher is lovely but has noticed nothing and has mentioned that she can't report on what she doesn't see. My issue with this is that unless you were specifically autism trained you probably wouldn't see - because she masks.

We are hoping to have a meeting at the school next week to go through some stuff when I haven't got kids with me on the school runs.

It feels a bit helpless. The GP say I need the school. The school say they don't see it. Maybe a referral can be made with a report that doesn't mention anything but maybe rules out other stuff.

The panorama documentary on 'kids in crisis' was harrowing. The low that a child has to reach before they are helped in crazy and just horrific. Children are being failed all over the place.

S has been struggling before school, small things trigger a meltdown and she often resists getting into the car. She manages once we are driving and always appears ok going in but I feel like she reaches the point where she feels she has no choice and switches her mask on.

She started Karate but hasn't made many sessions because she has said that instead she'd like to be alone after school, she retreats to her room with the curtains closed and her bubble tube on to chill out. It's amazing that she knows she needs this and can do it for herself. I have a feeling that karate won't last though. I'm hoping we can find a weekend midday one maybe so that she doesn't have to manage it after a full school day.

Hope to update more positively soon,

Mama S